
東京の快勝の余韻をするめのように味わっていたおれに冷や水。つまり、2006 FIFA World Cup (TM) Ticketing Center様から再び返信。

Your personal details can appear in different applications as long as the amount of tickets that you are applying for doesn�t exceed the limits established for one person. Please take into account that during the first phase of purchasing only one application per household is allowed.

Those applicants asking for an amount of tickets greater as the maximal amount permitted can find their applications rejected even after submitting the application. In this case we will take into account the total amount of times that a person appears as applicant and visitor.

Unfortunately we cannot do anything about your case. We refer to our email that we have sent you. You did not comply with the rules that are clearly stated on our website. We therefore had to cancel your order.

We are sorry not being able to give you positive reply.

